Kane's Mines
Today we visited Kane's Copper mine. In and around 1920- 1940 Kane went out and started mining copper. All of his work including roads he did by himself. I wonder what copper was selling for in 1940?
Here's his small smelter. Were parked down below one of his mines. There's another Indian water hole called " Tenaja"
He Lived in these caves he carved out. Story goes the wash one night got flooded and he could not get the door open because of the water,
He stood up and the flood got to his chin then the water crested and started coming down. Pictures of his mines and small bit of copper ore.
Kane built all the road in and out of his mines. His equipment got vandelized and he ended up broke in Brawley.
Kane got his water from these Indian water holes. Seems like something else was added also later. Yuck
Ok now off to Imperial Gables. Looks like at one time it was some mine from around 1942, then invaded by hippies.
They all left rather quickly. You can dig around the trailer trash and find old post card and letters from long ago.
Wonder where they went? What happened? Looks like also at one time it was going to be made into a land track of some type.
Old Rock house, been modified recently with the trailer trash windows.
Mostly you'll see Border Patrol now. But heres some old stuff and dead things.
Well two last shots and out we go through 9 mile wash and home. I dont think theres many of this cactus around here.
Gdb tracks HERE
KMZ Tracks Here
Peter Kane Mine Location KMZ Here